There are movies that entertain you and there are movies that move you at your core. No prizes for guessing under which category this flick falls under. I won’t remember this one for the acting. But it’s the one that rekindled in me, the awe and respect I once had for the “Voice over”. The unseen eloquence of the narrative, shared by a brother and sister to speak of the protagonist’s (the brother) foray into the wild was incredibly powerful. The photography left me speechless and all in all, a perfect example of a kinda-interesting story told in a fabulously interesting way.
Being a writer and insisting that mere words cannot describe the brilliance of this film, I suppose, reflects poorly on my command of the craft. But on the other hand, I believe it is also the litmus test to identify the truly awesome.
Many might vehemently disagree with my views of the movie. But that’s just it. It speaks only to a certain kind of people. Have you ever, at the end of a feature, got up wondering what the hell you were doing, sitting there wasting your life when there is such an awesome world out there waiting to be explored. I did. It got me asking myself some really big questions. Do I know where I am heading? Am I happy doing, what I’m doing? What do I want to be remembered for? And all this was at 3.38 AM. 'Nuff said.