Wednesday, November 30, 2011


In a life spanning 23 years, 8 months & some days, experience has been a good teacher. Wisdom ensued. The order of their appearance denotes their significance to me:

Bill Watterson IS God. The Veyron is nothing, nothing compared to the Batmobile. My Yezdi is the finest machine made by man. A beer with the boys makes for the best Sundays. Girls enjoy 3rd base just as much. My world tour is a little farther off than I first imagined. Colour does to art directors what shine does to goldfish. The surf in Bali is not nearly as good as the babes. The girlfriend was a slut and the butler did indeed, do it.


  1. Colour does to art directors what shine does to goldfish.

    My world tour is a little farther off than I first imagined.

    Might have been in my list as well. :D :p

    LOVE it. So personal. Yest, so relatable. Touche.

  2. this was actually in my mudra copy test. i had to write about myself in 100 words.

  3. I remember it was your first post. :)

    P.s The girlfriend was a dumbass to let one like you go. :D
